c. 20 Acres at The Burrow, Portrane, Donabate, County D... - Sold
- Map
- Farm Land - 20 Acres
“Lands located on the breathtaking Rogerstown Estuary”
Map attached for identification purposes only.
c. 20 Acres at The Burrow, Portrane, Co Dublin.
Price: €380,000 Refer: Joseph V. Morton / James Morton
Zoned objective “HA” High Amenity (Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023)
Objective: Protect and enhance high amenity areas
We have been informed that services on The Burrow Road include mains electricity, water and sewage. The lands are currently in horticultural use, part for grazing and part re-vegetation. A substantial amount of the land has sandy soil and is known as ‘good early land’.
The estuary is an important link in the chain of estuaries on the east coast. It supports an internationally important population of Brent Geese and a further 14 species in numbers of national importance. The site is a statutory Nature Reserve and a candidate Special Area of Conservation under the E.U. Habitats Directive
Zoned objective “HA” High Amenity (Fingal Development Plan 2017 – 2023)
Objective: Protect and enhance high amenity areas
Vision: Protect these highly sensitive and scenic locations from inappropriate development and reinforce their character, distinctiveness and sense of place. In recognition of the amenity potential of these areas opportunities to increase public access will be explored.
Use classes related to zoning objective:
Bed & Breakfast (3)
Boarding Kennels (3)
Burial Grounds
Childcare Facilities (3)
Farm Shop (20)
Guest House (3)
Health Practitioner (3)
Holiday Home/Apartments (7)
Office Ancillary to Permitted Use
Open Space
Residential (4)
Restaurant/Café (13)
Campsite (25)
(3) Where the use is ancillary to the use of the dwelling as a main residence
(4) Subject to compliance with Rural Settlement Strategy
(7) Only permitted where the development involves conversion of a protected structure
(13) Ancillary to tourism uses or conversion of protected or vernacular structures where appropriate
(20) Only where the bulk of the produce is produced on the farm
(25) No static mobile homes or permanent structures (unless ancillary to the operation of the campsite) shall be permitted
* Lands located on the breathtaking Rogerstown Estuary
* Zoned objective “HA” High Amenity
* We have been informed that services on The Burrow Road include mains electricity, water and sewage.